TIMEPieces x Deepak Chopra: The Seven Collection, in Partnership with Seva.Love & Artifex Bring Well-Being to the Blockchain

TIMEPieces x Deepak Chopra:​ The Seven Collection, in Partnership with Seva.Love and Artifex, commemorates the 25th Anniversary of Chopra’s Bestseller, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The Collection spotlights 73 NFT artists who created unique book covers in various mediums inspired by the book's lessons. The NFT edition of the book features uniquely new content from Chopra, including reimagined reflections on each chapter, fully readable on the blockchain, courtesy of Transient Labs.

The Collection also features seven 3D Artifex sculptures and Artifex Unreal worlds based on each of the book’s chapters. An ever-expanding proof of concept, Unreal worlds are custom-designed based on each artist's aesthetic by Artifex’s Art Interaction Directors.

The collection contains works from a diverse set of artists and photographers from all over the globe, including: Adi Spiegelman, Albert Dros, Alycia Rainaud, Amber Vittoria, Ana Maria Caballero, Andre Oshea, Anna McNaught, Arial Jade, Blake Kathryn, Brandon Ruffin, Brobel Design, Cameron McPhee, Claire Silver, Claire Salvo, Chewy Stoll, Crixtover Edwin, Cyber Humanoid, Daniel N. Johnson, David Allen, Debra Hill, Dheeraj Thakwani, Dominique Cro, Edie Art, Fernando Samalot, Gabe Weis, Ilitch Peters, Infiniteyay, Inna Modja, Iurie Belegurschi, Jackson Alves, Jahmel Reynolds, Jake-Andrew Nason, Jakob Lilja-Ruiz, Jimena Buena Vida, JN Silva, Joanne Hollings, Joelle LB, John Knopf, Josh Pierce, Logik, Justin Snead, Karan Kalra, Kayla Mahaffey, Kridhan Subbaiah, Krisandra Kneer, Krista Awad, Marcelo Pinel, Marco Conti Sikic, Mark Kaye, Martin Ayoade, Matt Szczur, Matthew Cherrie, iHeart, Naty, Haas Brothers, Ola Volo, Monaris, Parin Heideri, Patrick Amadon, Rachel Stewart, Rachel Suzanne Tien Wood, Ravi Vora, Sarah Richardson, Shavonne Wong, Shayne Skower, Siya, Storm, Sukrit Srisakulchawla, Taimaz Ashtari, Tara Workman, Tulay Palaz, WhisBe, and William KWAKU AMO.

This NFT collection will provide access to the ChopraVerse, Chopra’s immersive well-being and educational experience in the metaverse, as well as real-world experiences such as community meditations.

TIMEPieces x Deepak Chopra: The Seven Collection is the sixth TIMEPieces collection to date. This collaboration aligns with TIMEPieces core values of human-centered positivity and a #givefirst mentality. With a focus on nurturing community, one percent of primary sales for the Collection will go to NeverAlone Mental Health Initiative, which supports mental wellbeing programs in web3.