Krisandra Kneer

iRise NFT founder, Krisandra Kneer MPH, is a self-taught digital artist aiming to shift public perception of social issues after her experience as a public health professional and US medical student. Her subject matter of an iris asks viewers to stare into the eyes representative of society’s most marginalized and stigmatized. The eyes of those who have known hardship that is perhaps unfamiliar, and to take a moment to consider another’s perception of the world, shaped by a lifetime of one-of-kind experiences that together combine to create the unique tapestry of an intricate iris. After almost a year in the web3.0 space, she is now utilizing her artwork to fund a future generative NFT collection that through the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology, will directly pipeline financial support to numerous community level nonprofits while simultaneously establishing iRise as a non-profit foundation in itself, backed by the web3.0 change-maker community.